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eDNA Data and Results Newsletters

eDNA Data and Results Newsletters

eDNA newsletter

eDNA (environmental DNA) refers to the genetic material found in an environmental sample (water or sediment). eDNA comes from feces, gametes, scales, and cells that an organism sheds, and is easily collected from water and sediment samples. Rapid reductions in analytical costs now allow scientists to analyze eDNA in water samples and identify dozens of species without having to capture live animals or plants. A collaborative research project involving the University of New Hampshire and six National Estuarine Research Reserve sites developed and pilot tested eDNA sampling protocols that are suitable for use in highly variable estuarine conditions.

About this resource

As part of the collaborative project, the team developed periodic newsletters that present brief, user-friendly explanations of their preliminary results and current technical questions for the project. The newsletters provide an example of how a large team with a range of backgrounds can stay involved and engaged during a project. For the most recent updates and information, visit the eDNA pilot program website.

Newsletter archive: